Monday, November 12, 2012

What is success?

It's a very simple question, with many very complex answers. A different answer for just about everyone, I'd imagine. Answers that are constantly changing; moment-to-moment, day-to-day, year-to-year.

For some, success includes money, fame, power. For others, it would include a clean drink of water and knowing that you'll eat today.

For me, success includes a little boy who answers "OK" when I ask him "How are you today?" or answers "Yes" when he's asked "Would you like some more water?" instead of the usual screaming out of frustration from not being understood. Success is friends and family rallying around a little boy who may need more support than "normal" kids, but may be more normal than any of us. Success is the army of teachers, educators, assistants, resource workers, facilitators...who have worked with this little boy to show him and all of us that he has no limits; the possibilities of where he will be able to go or what he will be able to do in his life are endless. Success is a little boy who is a cherished part of all of our lives, who has made our lives all the richer just for having existed. Not bad for a kid with Autism.

Our family is eternally grateful for the love and support you've shared with us, and for joining us on this journey. Words cannot express how touched we are and how meaningful it is to have you along for the ride.

I'd like to add a few more items to my "Success" list. Success is knowing that you're not alone. Success is knowing that people really do care and are willing to fight for you. Success is love.

God Bless you all,
Eric, Cayleb's Daddy

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