Friday, September 5, 2014

First day of school

I have to admit that when I first learned a service dog was an option for Cayleb I was sceptical! 'Right, a busy mother of three, one of whom has autism and takes off all the time with no regard to danger, is going to be able to handle a dog' I thought. 'Just what we need, more responsibility'.

Everything about having Ivy couldn't be further from my original thoughts. What a difference she has made in Cayleb's life, in our lives!

A child who is on his own agenda, ready to take off without notice is now safely secured to his dog. Going out in public is no longer the complete nightmare of losing my child. 

Knowing Cayleb is attached to Ivy and that be is safe is a piece if mind that is priceless. Having his best friend Ivy at Cayleb's side when he is upset or scared gives Cayleb a tool to learn how to calm himself down.

Today Ivy is training at Cayleb's school with the EAs in his class. She will now be a familiar face in the halls opening new opportunities and offering Cayleb independence.

Today Cayleb has his best friend at his side and today I will give Ivy a big hug, holding back tears as I say thank you to the dog who has changed Cayleb's world.

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